Discovering Mallorca

Mallorca was some kind of mystery for me. It is a very famous destination in Germany and because of this I tried to avoid it as much as possible since I don’t really like crowded places. But discovering such an amazing place made feel regret by not been there before. For a photographer is simply a paradise of colors harmony, textures, beautiful landscapes and a wonderful energy. It was as somehow God decided to use a specific set of color tones perfectly combined.

I tried as much as possible to organize different shootings there, but it wasn’t easy to do it because I simply didn’t know many people and places there, so I simply allowed myself to go with the flow. Once there I took my camera and went to little towns in the mountains or near the beach.

After a week I was wishing I could stay longer and make new shootings every day, but it’s definitely on my plan going back as soon as possible!.

